Membership Categories


Active Members are those women who have been approved for membership by the Board of Directors and have paid their dues in full.  They have all voting privileges. For a directory of all the Active members click here.


An Active Member in Good Standing who transfers to another Forum in IWF who wishes to remain a member of the Nevada Forum may do so by paying a $100.00 fee.  An Associate Membership has no voting privileges nor may she hold office.  She may be invited to Forum functions, may Chair or serve on Committees and will be included in the Forum mailing list. For a directory of all Associate members click here. 


Founder's Award Recipients will be granted, as part of their Award package and as an effort to remain in touch and provide a mentoring service, an Affiliate Category of recognition.  They have no voting privileges nor may they hold office.  They may be invited to Forum functions and meetings not designated as Closed Meetings, at their own expense. Click here for a directory of all Affiliate members,For

Questions? Contact us at nviwf.gm@gmail.com

702-857-8754  P.O. Box 231412  Las Vegas, NV 89105

IWF Nevada is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

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