Angela Edgeworth

pediped Footwear


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pediped Footwear
Angela Edgeworth founded pediped footwear in 2004 when she could not find a shoe which was both stylish and good for her newborn daughter’s developing feet.

Angela was no stranger to entrepreneurship: her parents were successful entrepreneurs and she had started businesses in both high school and after college at University Western Ontario in Canada. Angela began the pediped brand at age 30 with no previous experience in the shoe market but a mission to create a better shoe that would be comfortable, stylish and of great quality.

Under Angela’s vision, pediped has become one of the largest and fastest growing children’s shoe brands in the country, winning more than 50 industry awards for its product design and quality. In 2008, Angela was named the “Entrepreneur of the Year” by the Mothers in Business Network. Throughout the years, pediped has won numerous awards for design, and best in the children’s footwear category.

Angela and her husband are committed to their community and helping to enhance the lives of children. To date, these efforts have given more than $2,800,000 in cash and product donations to deserving children.

Angela currently serves on the following boards, The Nevada Medical Center, Moonridge Foundation and Vegas Aces Volleyball Club.

Angela and Brian reside in Henderson, NV with their two daughters, Caroline and Lauren and their dogs, Phineas and Aster.

All About Me

Not for Profit Boards (Current)
Nevada Medical Center
The Moonridge Foundation
Vegas Aces Volleyball
Website URL

Questions? Contact us at nviwf.gm@gmail.com

702-857-8754  P.O. Box 231412  Las Vegas, NV 89105

Nevada IWF is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

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